Insight Consultants
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Here we address why we do, and how we do what we do.

With Emotional Intelligence Training programs we touch on every facet of human interaction and deal with the root causes of the hurdles that individuals and organizations face. Instead of teaching and dealing with a "laundry list" of personality traits, communication styles, and abnormal psychology clichés, we address the fundamental design of human beings; the "hard-wired" aspects of human interaction, which direct 70% of every decisions of every day.

This training effects, when accepted, accentuates causal relationships and develops responsible human beings which create their own best reality. This allows for them to, in turn, create the best reality corporately as well, . . if they choose to do so.

Training these "global" motivators instruct the individual to then manage time, communicate more effectively, manage stress, and other major components of the organizational super-structure with appropriateness. Giving emphasis and relaxing when it is appropriate to do so, . . which in turn addresses all, if not most of the challenges in organizations.

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